We have been informed by one of our esteemed customers that our competitors in UK have allegedly displayed a news item on their website claiming that "WAS's complaint & appeal is dismissed" when this customer sought further explanation he was allegedly informed by their officer that WAS has been asked by the government to close down the operations. WAS's comment: The said allegedly propaganda is totally false and malicious and has been deliberately spread to hurt the reputation of WAS. It is perhaps an act of desperation wherein now customers are showing open displeasure towards anything bureaucratic and non value added activities.
WAS Outreach Program
WAS is also reaching out to various government departments with a petition that in order to fulfill the interest of the stakeholders of the conformity assessment business and support the common objectives of the various national & international institutions. The progressive and demanding growth of the trade world over warrants that suitable options to be created and implemented in order to prevent and preclude THE ENTRY BARRIER for accreditation services. Therefore we have been requesting them to issue suitable communiqué to accept and to read as “ACCREDITATION AS PER ISO 17025 / ISO 15189 / ISO 17021/ISO 17020 etc. STANDARD BY ACCREDITATION BODY OPERATING AS PER ISO 17011”. These letters are also posted on our website www.waccreditation.com under Featured Publications. WAS is also in touch with the Trade & Industry Associations, Opinion Makers and Conformity Assessment Stakeholders apprising them of various activities undertaken by WAS.
WAS Accreditation Model
WAS follows the international accreditation model, which was pioneered by the International Federation of Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) & subsequently followed by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Social Accountability International (SAI), International Automotive Task Force (IATF) and others.
Competition Appellate Tribunal of UK
WAS has been continually making efforts to better the awareness of accreditation across the government, trade and industry. Accreditation business international and there are already several international bodies operating in UK; Accreditation Bodies are not required to be covered under any network of law and are free to grant certificates of accreditation to the laboratories in UK, this also means that WAS does not require any permission, sanction or approval of any ministry/government department/agency to operate as an independent accreditation body; All the government notification were prior to the business set up by WAS, and even in these notifications it is suggested that any other accreditation body comparable were acceptable to the government companies; No Accreditation Body enjoy the monopolistic position as accreditation bodies in UK as government supported accreditation bodies have no objection or have not indulged in activity to keep any competitors out of the market. And any-body including WAS would have an authority to act as the accrediting body provided such body has the necessary infrastructure.